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How Technology Effects our Society?

Technology has completely changed our society, especially over the last few decades. In today’s world where we have all these facilities is because of technology. In the modern world, technology has completely modernized the way people interact in society.

Technology has also brought a revolution in way of our education. We have seen a live example of it in this pandemic. The reason people are still working from home in this situation is because of technology.

The 21st century is considered as the revolution of technology. No doubt technology has made positive changes in our society. But there is also evidence for the negative effects of technology and its overuse, as well.

In this article, we will discuss some of the major positive and negative impacts of technology on our society.

Technology and Society:

Technology and Society have a strong relation. It helps society to interact with each other. We are living in an era where interaction with other people is just a click away. Technology makes our interaction with anyone easier in our society.

The main impact of Technology on our Society is the mode of communication. We can communicate with one another by using different methods using technology. In case of an emergency, we can call any time to the hospital all thanks to technology.


Technology and Social Life:

Social media is now a part of every person in this modern world. Everyone has its own social lives followers and friends. You can criticize anything you don’t like and give your opinion as well. It is estimated that about 24 hours per week on their phone and internet.

Social media has also become a new society now. People make new friends and even families. There are also many success stories of the people who have changed their lives by using social media. But social media has changed our social life. Due to social media, our private social life has become less attractive.

Effects of Technology on Health:

Ø Positive Impacts of Technology on Health:

Technology brings innovations to the health system. With the help of Technology, doctors understand more about diseases and how to treat them. Tablet-based technology helps doctors to detect and monitor Alzheimer’s disease. This technology was first used by the Canadian company “Winterlight”. This technology can identify 85% to 100% accurate regarding Alzheimer’s disease and Aphasia in laboratory conditions.

3D printing is one of the latest inventions of technology in the field of health. In 3D printing technology, we can print organ tissues that are to be used in surgery. We can make bio-matched replacements as required using 3D printing. So we can conclude that there will be no need to donate an organ in the future.

The future of the health system has the world of technology at its feet. Smart hospitals will become more efficient at treating patients and diagnose diseases. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already being used by doctors in surgery. As technology continues to improve it will introduce more advanced methods to cure diseases.

Ø Negative Impacts of Technology on Health:

The majority of the negative impact of technology on health are generally individual, as compare to effects on a whole society. Stress and mental issues are common as a result of the excess usage of digital products.

Lifespan increases as technology invent treatment of many diseases. But on the other side lifespan increases the global population. This brings many issues. So this is also considered to be a part of the negative impact of technology in the field of health.

Although technology creates digital jobs but sitting in front of a computer for too many hours brings health and fitness issues to the victim. The use of digital products has reduced the mental and physical exercises of humans that is a major cause of diseases.

 Effects of Technology on Education:

Ø Positive Impacts of Technology on Education:

The inventions in the education field have made the process of learning new things and sharing knowledge more easily. Technology has made the life of students easier as compared to students in the 19’s. Nowadays students are aware of the usage of different software. Modern-day student prefers E-book than a heavy book.

All thanks to the technology that today even in this pandemic students are still studying from home in online classes. Both students and teachers have the same benefits as technology. Technology has become a basic need in our school system.

Ø Negative Impacts of Technology on Education:

Overuse of technology even in the class affects the learning of students. Plagiarism has increases easily with the use of technology. Thinking ability decreases because of technology. Students use entertainment technologies like games or social media and they perform less. Most of the kids prefer playing games and listening to songs instead of book reading and playing physical games.

Most of the dangerous effects of technology are obesity. Usage of a laptop or a tablet for continuous hours causes eye problems and obesity in modern students. The more time you sit in front of the PC, the lesser is the blood circulation in your body.

Effects of Technology on Environment:

Ø Positive Impacts of Technology on Environment:

     Environmental technology is called ‘green’ or ‘clean’ technology. It refers to develop new technologies that aim to reduce the negative impact of technology on the environment. It promotes the usage of technology that cause less negative impacts and work efficiently.

Technology makes our lives safe and secure. With a digital security system, everyone can check and keep an eye on their homes. Electric vehicles bring a positive change to the environment. As there will be no discharge of toxic smoke in the air.

Ø Negative Impacts of Technology on Environment:

Let’s take a survey and ask any person about “How technology affects the environment?” He will probably say badly.

The industrial revolution has bought
up new technology. But with a negative impact on the environment. When harmful gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, methane, etc. discharge in the air cause Air Pollution. Air pollution includes global warming, negative health impact for animals and humans. It will result in a rise in global temperature.

The depletion of resources also brings a negative impact on the environment. There are several types of resource depletion. Deforestation, mining for fossil fuels, and soil erosion all these are enabled by the usage and advancement of technology. Industrial wastage can also cause water pollution. Water is the basic need of every living and from water, it can cause many health issues.


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